Principal's Message

As correctly said,” Youths are the nation’s tomorrow and the most precious human resource”. So, they need to be nurtured carefully and it is our duty to provide an academic environment to enable them to understand their role and create a great future.

Speaking about our growth and level of attainment, the feeling gives me immense pleasure, that UGIE-Rourkela has remarkable growth as a unit in all these about 60 years of its journey. Our alumni have passed through the test of time and have been able to create a niche for themselves and set different milestones in their roads to success.

Our objective is to promote job oriented education amalgamated with human skills, including life skills to enhance the learners’ capacity in adapting to changing skill requirements. We infuse life building, man making, character making assimilation of ideas into the young minds to groom themselves for scientific and logical thinking and achieve the goal that benefits the society as a whole.

Our website will provide an insight into the appreciable activities, milestones of achievements created by the young UGIEans as well as the faculty members .

It is the collective efforts of the faculties, students, guardians, other stake holders and the blessings of God that has helped UGIE being a pioneer in the field of technical education today.

Thanks and regards to all
(Mrs. Pragati Das)


  • "The function of Education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education------Martin Luther King Jr."
  • "We should develop competence and ability which would help us to utilize the opportunities which are now open to us--- Dr. S. Radhakrishnan"
  • "What our world must requires now is the kind of education that fosters love for human kind, that develop characters, that provides an intellectual basis for the realization of peace and empowers learners to contribute to and improve society----Daisaku Ikeda"

Topper Students




News Letter IEI 




e-Newsletter (RASAYAN SAMBAD) VOLUME III of Chemical Engineering.


Student Announcement


  • Students Selected By Tata Steel
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  • Selected Students By Jsl, Jajpur
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  • Participation In National Innovation Talent Contest For Polytechnics At Nitttr, Kolkata
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General Announcement

Students' Project

Role Models

Certifications & Affiliations